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Behind The Network

Meet the Owner

Let me introduce myself , the brains behind the Network. As I presented you Everything about my network I worked to  create , I wanted you have to know a little about me. 

Born In Malawi Africa , I came from immigrant parents. Who instilled dedication and drive with in me which has allowed me to pursue everything  I put my mind to. The States is my home, raised in the small town of Berrien Springs. In an Adventist community which was the melting pot  of my life, I was influence ans met by different cultures and backgrounds. Which has provided the stepping stones to which I was able to fall in love with fashion , music, people from all over. 

Graduated in 2016 from High school at Andrews Academy, currently in college enrolled at IUSB as a psychology major I learned to develop skills along the way that would launched me into what I do today which is Network.

Along the way Life brings blessings and one of them way the chance for me to be a mother. Kayden my son  who is 4 years old and definitely a character of his own,  he became the drive behind all I do .  He teaches me patience , how to  have fun, how to never give up on your imagination. More so waking up and make it happen.

With all this said, I am not one who scared of failure because I have been taught it bring the success. In the words of Denzel Washington  who has been a big influence when it comes to networking. He said " Fail forward, so you can see what lies ahead and what you falling into."  But also with success come talent driven with you and grace to make it happen. This is why in my career ,one thing I live by was said by one of the greatest to accomplish and leave his legacy on this earth . Which is what I aspire to do, is none other than Chadwick Boseman. He said " If you are willing to take the harder way , the more complicated one, the one with more failures at first then successes. The one that is proven to have more meaning , glory and victory, then you will not regret it. 

So here I am not regretting starting something bigger than myself . I hope that we share the success when it all said at the end but more importantly create for what is to come after we did all we have done . It's more than an network, its the building to ground to everything that grows around us , it the influences we seek and the people we meet.  

So thank you for Being HERE!


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